Our sites in East Africa host a variety of coral reef types and a great diversity of species. With over 180 documented species, the reefs around Vamizi Island and the northern Quirimbas Archipelago, for example, host the highest coral species diversity outside of the Coral Triangle.
Both local and coral reefs worldwide, are increasingly impacted by factors including unregulated tourism, overfishing, pollution and climate change.. Understanding and monitoring the effects of such impacts is vital in order to mitigate their effects, and are a major focus of our efforts at each of our sites.
In partnership with scientists and students from local and international universities we conduct regular surveys of coral cover and condition, including studies documenting coral species diversity. Our surveys of coral bleaching, particularly at times of high risk when sea temperatures are higher than average, contribute to regional and international efforts to map the occurrence and extent of coral bleaching episodes. Such information helps scientists learn more about how these impacts affect coral reefs worldwide, and how we might best be able to address their negative consequences.