Habitat Mapping
In collaboration with scientists from Universidad Lurio, and with the support of the Eileen Getty Foundation, remote sensing techniques, geographic information systems and ground truthing by conducting underwater surveys all contribute to the mapping of benthic habitats including coral reefs, seagrass beds, mudflats and other areas around our island sites. As well as providing important baseline information for a site, such information contributes to global efforts to map coral reefs such as those by the Allen Coral Atlas which provide important information for scientists, academics, policymakers, and protected area managers.
Marine Spatial Planning
Marine Spatial Planning is a tool to help allocate human activities to marine areas to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives that have been defined through consultation with local communities, government agencies and other stakeholders. It enables a more systematic, rational means for defining use areas to balance economic development, social and cultural needs, and the protection of the environment. Our longer term aims around sites such as Vamizi Island, are to contribute to the mapping of multiple-use areas, whereby different zones are allocated to activities, such as small-scale fisheries, recreational diving and conservation.